
Cursillo Proper (Men)

Cursillo Proper (Women)




The work of the pre-cursillo is directed towards the environment. The persons and groups who should make the cursillo three day course are identified. They are then prepared for the cursillo weekend keeping in mind that they are ultimately prepared to carry on the work of evangelization of their own environments.

Cursillo Proper

The purpose of the three day cursillo is to bring people from the pre-cursillo to the post-cursillo. It involves a process. The weekend is primarily seen as the vehicle to move persons from pre to post cursillo stage.

Post Cursillo

The basic purpose is to renew, accelerate, and continue the conversion of each individual who has gone to the 3-day. The objective is the ongoing transformation of the environment for those individuals which they are responsible for, like families, neighborhoods, places of work, and associations. The post-cursillo is designed to increase and continue the conversion process and the living out of what is fundamental for being a Christian, (a process initiated during the three day cursillo). The primary objective is to provide the means to persevere as each person strives to live the Christian life within their own unique place in the church and in the world.